Litigants and 90 percent of the funds remaining after administrative costs shall be distributed, consistent with Sections 6216 to 6223, inclusive, of the Business and Professions Code.
Stats modeling the world chapter 21 answers pro#
Ten percent of the funds remaining after administrative costs shall be for joint projects of courts and legal services programs to make legal assistance available to pro per Upon approval by the Administrative Director, the Controller shall transfer up to 5 percent of the funding appropriated in Schedule (7) to Item 025 for administrative expenses.

The Judicial Council shall approve awards made by the commission if the council determines that the awards comply with statutory and other relevant guidelines. In order to improve equal access and the fair administration of justice, the funds appropriated in Schedule (7) are available for distribution by the Judicial Council through the Legal Services Trust Fund Commission in support of the Equal Access Fund Program to qualified legal services projects and support centers as defined in Sections 6213 to 6215, inclusive, of the Business and Professions Code, to be used for legal services in civil matters for indigent persons.

Delivery of a copy of that request shall not be deemed to be notification in writing for purposes of this provision. When a request to augment this item is submitted to the Director of Finance, a copy of that request shall be delivered to the chairpersons of the committees and appropriate subcommittees that consider the State Budget. Joint determination with the Chairperson of the Joint Legislative Budget Committee and shall be authorized not sooner than 30 days after notification in writing to the chairpersons of the committees in each house of the Legislature that consider appropriations, the chairpersons of the committees and appropriate subcommittees that consider the State Budget, and the chairperson of the joint committee, or not sooner than whatever lesser time the chairperson of the joint committee, or the chairperson’s designee, may determine.
Stats modeling the world chapter 21 answers trial#
Upon order of the Director of Finance, the amount available for expenditure in this item may be augmented by the amount of any additional resources available in the Trial Court Trust Fund, which is in addition to the amount appropriated in this item.

That act, relating to the state budget, and making an appropriation therefor, to take effect immediately, budget bill.